Call for Presentations

The Institute for Rural Health Research is proud to host our 24th Annual Rural Health Conference at the Bryant Conference Center located at 240 Paul Bryant Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL. The Institute for Rural Health Research welcomes presentation proposals from University of Alabama faculty and staff, researchers from other institutions, health care professionals, community leaders, and other interested participants.

The presentation committee will score the submissions, including how they fit with the conference tracks of preventing, treating, and investigating the opioid crisis. The top submissions will be invited to present at the Rural Health Conference.

Transform your research, ideas, and best practices into a Rural Health Conference meeting presentation. Presentations are meant to inform, encourage dialogue, and drive new solutions to our most significant challenges.

Types of Presentations

General Session Talk

General Session presentations on a topic related to the conference title are 30-60 minutes long (including time for Q&A). Speakers must submit slides for acceptance of a General Session presentation. General Session talks may run concurrently with other sessions.

General Session Panel

anels are 45-60-minute discussions with a moderator and a team of panelists. The panel moderator must submit an abstract on the discussion topic. Topics should relate to the conference title, a draft list of panelists, and an overview of the panel presentation. Acceptance of Panel submissions will be based on the proposed topic, the proposed panelists’ expertise, and the potential for informative and constructive discussion.

Presentation Submission

All presenting poster authors must register for and attend the conference.

General Session Talk Submission Requirements:
Speakers must submit draft slides for acceptance of a General Session presentation.

General Session Panel Requirements:
A draft list of panelists, and an overview of the panel presentation.

More Information